The Memoirs of Renny Conchobair

The Hunt Journal

19th Year, 8th Moon, 23rd Day: Realm: Tamriel
The Siege of Drakelowe Keep

Tonight I woke to the warhorns and battle cries of Ebonheart and Aldermeri soldiers clashing steel at the Drakelow Keep. For well over two hours the forces battled one another. I took this opportunity to send a few more souls to the afterlife. I followed their ant trail back to Drakelowe Farm where they were rallying at. Upon closer inspection I found several assassins in the shadows waiting for the chance to take down an unsuspecting rival assassin. I decided it would be best to approach from the south and draw them away from their fellow soldiers. The result was 10 person killing spree which ended in a quick trip through the otherworld only to be spit back out into Tamriel. I keep hoping that one day I will be able to take place among my family in the Otherworld but I'm afraid my work here is yet done.


Black Oriah (1), Chow'Chow (1), Kneel Down Boy (1), Lethpurr (2), Mi'Mosa (1), Monkadoodie (1), Onyx Falcon (1), Sann Syn (2), Shaey (1), tagoutx (1), Tasselhoff Proudfoot (1), The Shadow Liger (1)

19th Year, 8th Moon, 11th Day: Realm: Tamriel
A new land, with a new foe

It's been years since I last wrote. Life has taken me many places. I still search for Garm and have not yet found him. After the assassination of Asha Catari and her conspiring cohort Orphiel Farwind I returned to the mother oak to seek council.

Her roots connected me here in a land called Tamriel and said I would find what I seek among the ranks of the Daggerfall Covenant. But all has not been what it seems. In this land there is no true good and no true evil. Tamriel is a place of injustice and no hand to guide the people. Ever since their emperor was slain the land has fallen to civil war. Brothers turn on other brothers, fathers on sons. I can only think that Garm has had his hand in this. I haven't seen this type of cruelty since the war of the Albion, Hibernian and Norse. 

I've spent the last few weeks hunting Daggerfall who wear the mark of Garm, but I have slain many Aldermeri who have gotten in my way. In this land it is so hard to differentiate between them. Elfkin wear the banner of all three factions, Lizardmen fight for all sides, mankind slaughters mankind. How am I do know what is right and wrong in a land where there is only wrong. I do pray my search ends quickly and I can once again catch the trail of Garm. This place is pure chaos and I can't tell which way is up or down. I shall continue to hunt, and pray I can complete my mission soon. I miss the smell of the Fheirdhris Roisin, of the Hibernian cities full of laughter and wondrous foods. Even the cold chill of the Norse frontier would be welcoming compared to this desolate cesspool of injustice.


Adey (1), Andromedar (1), Antirae Turanthius (1), Ashkanian (1), Bruda (1), Chavere (1), Cowpie (1), Devikalia (1), droopyloc (1), Eniolous (1), fendelhigh (1), Gonzoku (1), High Mage Dispers (3), Igney (2), Ithacaris (1), Jet the Fin (1), Kaiyn (1), Kingspartacus (1), Logighosta (2), ma'sarr (1), Maiq The Lier (1), Masks Stormlord (1), Master Killswitch (1), Nerevyr (1), Nyneve (1), Ouin (1), Pain In The Axe (1), Pazx (1), Phil Good (1), Rose silver (1), Runs Away Screaming (1), Sawzbawz (1), Sinful While Stealthed (1), Tesfaye (1), Thromback (1), Tsaddiq (1), Twin-Eyes (1), Venholm (1), Virion (1), White-Rush (1), Yamboozie (1), Zaou Shugen (1)

About Renny Conchobair

Follow the memoirs of Renny Conchobair as he journeys through distant realms protecting the very fabric of space and time. Recruited by the Mother Oak as a guardian, he travels to distant worlds in hunt of the Jarl Garm who seeks to acquire the powerful relics of the lifestream.

There are 4 relics in each world that provide balance to their world. Removing one of these artifacts will cause unrest, sickness, and violence. Removing two will send the world into a shroud of darkness. If three should be removed, all life shall be wiped away from existence. The fourth will result it total destruction of that plane of existence.

It is up to Renny Conchobair to retrieve the Sword of Nuada and return it to earth and stop the power hungry Jarl Garm from collecting the other artifacts before it is too late.

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The Marks

Anneo (7), Huleo (6), Theorn (5), Frelam (4), High Mage Dispers (4), Rrutroo (4), Skhar (4), Groiltigh (3), Helenne (3), Jeagersa (3), Kagera (3), Poppa (3), Rataco (3), Rellnik (3), Wylann (3), Absyn (2), Alladlas (2), Badwell (2), Baneborne (2), Brogema (2), Chaos (2), Cosus (2), Elestial (2), Frigan (2), Golddon (2), Grotte (2), Gudlaug (2), Haisien (2), Igney (2), Izulde (2), Kaoru (2), Kazahd (2), Lethpurr (2), Lijarin (2), Logighosta (2), Lynar (2), Mindalis (2), Mordziek (2), mrs mage (2), Mychial (2), Myrist (2), Pint (2), Redar (2), Rian (2), Rilne (2), Sann Syn (2), Savengriff (2), Shinobiwan (2), Sorynne (2), Squeaker (2), Tree Kitten (2), Useethius (2), Veratos (2), Waije (2), Zoof (2), Zutun (2), Acell (1), Adey (1), Alexios (1), Aluren (1), Ameid (1), Andromedar (1), Antirae Turanthius (1), Archie Of Oz (1), Ashkanian (1), Askubor (1), Aucan (1), Backstabber (1), Barata (1), Barbos (1), Bearhof (1), Bestar (1), Bicarat (1), Bij (1), Black Oriah (1), Bloodsister (1), Bordica (1), Boulviz (1), Bre Tanya (1), Brragii (1), Bruda (1), Caull (1), Celiana (1), Cenewulf (1), Chavere (1), Choptilyadropx (1), Chow'Chow (1), Cibo (1), Corstaad (1), Cowpie (1), Culthbert (1), Cutt (1), Dabrak (1), Dakrar (1), Dark Adherent (1), Decap (1), Devikalia (1), Divayne (1), Donlinshadhbh (1), Dra'Thur (1), Draugnir (1), droopyloc (1), Elekor (1), Elementalrose (1), Elgoran (1), Eniolous (1), Erleros (1), Estue (1), Ethaleth (1), Faby (1), Fafri (1), Faighden (1), fendelhigh (1), Festugax (1), Fiercewind (1), Firache (1), Fuelose (1), Fyggynd (1), Fyonal (1), Garalk (1), Giermagnus (1), Glaretheon (1), Glithor (1), Gnyra (1), Gonz (1), Gonzoku (1), Gotdevonnips (1), Graech (1), Gronat (1), Gurius (1), Harabec (1), Hazcorith (1), Heargrund (1), Hermes (1), Hidux (1), Hullglizia (1), Hune (1), Illthane (1), Ithacaris (1), jace nightshade (1), Jangles (1), Jason Fox Good (1), Jaxcast (1), Jerilynn (1), Jet the Fin (1), Joashi (1), Joetempesta (1), Joridgend (1), Joro (1), Jukka Koskinen (1), Just a horse (1), Kaark (1), Kaiyn (1), Kasgorath (1), Keiix (1), Kelaruk (1), Kerenski (1), Khaz'mek (1), Khornne (1), Kingbrawler (1), Kingspartacus (1), Kiselvir (1), Kiusata (1), Kizo (1), Kneel Down Boy (1), kohlthebreton (1), Krakdar (1), Krator (1), Ktlunt (1), Lararb (1), Larris (1), Laseeen (1), Leren (1), Lobo (1), Lothren (1), ma'sarr (1), Maiq The Lier (1), Malcie (1), Masks Stormlord (1), Master Killswitch (1), Merked (1), Mi'Mosa (1), Mikaja (1), Misakichi (1), Missheals (1), Monkadoodie (1), MrEddard Stark (1), Myird (1), Mykiel (1), Nalkor (1), Nazomi (1), Nerevyr (1), Nibbles Mckittens (1), Novuelvoaemainsinbu (1), Nyneve (1), Oddimrd (1), Oehn (1), Ogskar (1), Okeanos (1), Onyx Falcon (1), Orca (1), Otello (1), Ouin (1), Oxen-Face (1), Pain In The Axe (1), Payne (1), Pazx (1), Pharbella (1), Phil Good (1), Picantilla (1), Pickette (1), Praemeth (1), Prel (1), Psolovrontis (1), Qelii (1), Qev (1), Radugor (1), Raegnor (1), Ramaras (1), Renlin (1), Ronweasly (1), Rorhall (1), Rose silver (1), Rotheryn (1), Runs Away Screaming (1), Sabazious (1), Sabus (1), Salebric (1), Sawzbawz (1), Shaey (1), Shamao (1), Sildid (1), Sinful While Stealthed (1), Solarah (1), Sorionn (1), Spartacus (1), Spawnicus (1), Sythras (1), tagoutx (1), Tallya (1), Targonne (1), Tasselhoff Proudfoot (1), Tenthgate (1), Terex (1), Tesfaye (1), The Shadow Liger (1), Thromback (1), Thuerg (1), Thyndra (1), Tierlas (1), Tomac Shadowdancer (1), Tostymus (1), Trings (1), Truckboattruck (1), Tsaddiq (1), Twin-Eyes (1), Uhran (1), Uma (1), Unaval (1), Vaalfern (1), Vahkris (1), Vantaage (1), Vatna (1), Vemund (1), Venholm (1), Vhellgrin (1), Virion (1), Voltari (1), Volwrath (1), Vorador (1), Vordka (1), Voshie (1), Vostad (1), Vurakan (1), Waahnoldgrumpf (1), White-Rush (1), WhoLamli (1), Wikser (1), Wolf Michaelson (1), Wonder Woman (1), Wudiam (1), Yamboozie (1), Zaou Shugen (1)

Total Slain: 367